Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing (Kali Linux)
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Course Description
Ethical Hacking (EH) and Web Application Penetration Testing (WAPT) Course is IT Security (Offensive) Security Course that teaches you how to find vulnerabilities (bugs or loopholes, like coding mistakes, configuration mistakes or errors etc) in any applications and Network infrastructures including networking devices, mobiles etc- Web Application Penetration is specific to digging the same specific to web applications.
Ethical hackers are computer security experts who focus on penetration testing and weaknesses in an organization’s information systems.
Using the same destructive techniques of intruders, ethical hackers are able to produce security evaluations with information about vulnerabilities and recommend potential solutions.
Students will be shown how to gather information intelligence, find web application and system security vulnerabilities, how to scan using Nmap and bypass IDS protected targets, how to hack clients using modern web browsers and how to collect important information once a system has been hacked into.
This course is ideal for web developers, IT security professionals, network engineers, Windows and Linux administrators, security engineers, database administrators and webmasters as well as anyone interested in learning basic ethical hacking techniques.
Upon completion, students will be able to apply ethical hacking practices to identify potential weaknesses, and understand the moves hackers would make to attempt to exploit a system. Students will also have the knowledge to recommend security measures that will make systems more impenetrable to hackers.
What will I learn from this course ?
Network Security Tools
Web security Tools
Metasploit Advanced
Advanced Penetration Testing
Advanced Ethical hacking
By the end of course you will learn how to use different web security tools and network security tools
You will learn how to Develop Windows Exploits
You will learn how to find and exploit Web Application Vulnerabilities
You will learn windows and linux Tactical Post Exploitation Techniques
You will learn how to exploit Windows and Linux Systems
You will learn how to find vulnerabilities in your target infrastructure
You will learn how to find open ports your target
You will be able to gather information about your target
What is the target audience ?
whit hat
black hat
College students
Software developers, programmers
IT, System & Network Admins
IT Managers & CISO
Computer Science Students
IT Security Auditors
Ethical Hacking studying students
Database administrators
Security engineers
Windows and Linux Administrators
Network engineers
IT security professionals
Web developers
Anyone want to learn how to hack
Cours 01: Welcome => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 02: System Requirements => (CLICK HERE)
Section 3 - System Requirements
Cours 03: What This Course Will Cover => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 04: Prerequisites => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 05: Acquiring Dradis => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 06: Installing Dradis => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 07: Using Dradis => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 08: Adding Notes => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 09: Categorizing Information => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 10: Review of Scan Types => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 11: Advanced Scanning => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 12: Scripting Engine => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 13: Investigating Scan Types with Wireshark => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 14: Importing Results to Dradis => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 15: Aquiring Nessus => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 16: Setting Up Nessus => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 17: Configuring Nessus => (CLICK HERE)
Section 3 - Scan
Cours 18: Scan Details Network => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 19: Scan Details Credentials Plugins Options => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 20: Scan Details Web Applications => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 21: Starting Scan => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 22: Reviewing Results => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 23: False Positives => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 24: Setting Up Jobs => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 25: Acquiring Nexpose => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 26: Setting Up Nexpose => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 27: Configuring Nexpose => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 28: Adding Hosts to Nexpose => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 29: Reviewing Results & Manual Checks => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 30: Netcat => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 31: Protocol Checking => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 32: SSL Client => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 33: SSLScan => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 34: Snmpwalk => (CLICK HERE)
Section 4 - Metasploit
Cours 35: Acquiring Metasploit => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 36: Setting Up Metasploit => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 37: Metasploit Web Interface => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 38: Configuring Workspaces => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 39: Running Nmp from metasploit => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 40: Import Nessus Results => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 41: Scanning with Metasploit => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 42: Looking at Vulnerabilities => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 43: Searching Vulnerabilites => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 44: Running Exploits => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 45: Post Exploitation Data Gathering => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 46: Pivoting & Tunneling => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 47: Writing an MSF Plugin => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 48: Writing Fuzzers => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 49: Social Engineering Toolkit => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 50: Spear Phishing => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 51: Browser Plugins with Chrome => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 52: Browser Plugins with Firefox => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 53: Tamperdata => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 54: Performing Injections => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 55: Cookie Data with Tamperdata => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 56: SQL Inject Me => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 57: XSS Me => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 58: Firebug => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 59: Hackbar => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 60: Wappalyzer => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 61: Passive Recon => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 62: Groundspeed => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 63: Acquiring Webgoat => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 64: Practicing Web Application Attacks => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 65: Basics of Webgoat => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 66: Working Through Lessons => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 67: Acquiring Burpsuite => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 68: Installing Burpsuite => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 69: Running Burpsuite & Configuring Your Browser => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 70: Spidering => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 71: Passive Scanning => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 72: Active Scanning => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 73: Investigating Results => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 74: Password Attacks => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 75: Fuzzing Attacks => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 76: Doing Sequencing => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 77: Using the Intruder => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 78: Acquiring W3Af => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 79: Installing W3Af => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 80: Running W3Af => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 81: Configuring W3Af => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 82: Acquiring & Configuring Zed Attack Proxy ZAP => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 83: Quick Start with ZAP => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 84: Scanning with ZAP => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 85: Spidering with ZAP => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 86: Fuzzing with ZAP => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 87: Web Architecture => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 88: Basics of SQL Injection => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 89: Manual Testing => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 90: SQLMap => (CLICK HERE)
Section 5 - Exploit
Cours 91: Command Injection => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 92: Cross Site Scripting => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 93: Spear Phishing => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 94: Cross Site Request Forgery => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 95: Roque Servers => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 96: Spoofed Certificates => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 97: Course Wrap up => (CLICK HERE)
Cours 98: Next Steps => (CLICK HERE)
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